
Posts Tagged ‘English’

I am becoming increasingly concerned about cuts in adult education provision.  Two weeks ago I attended a meeting with teachers and students mainly involved in English language courses in east central Bristol.  Over 100 students, mainly Somali women, turned up out of concern for their education and that of their children.

These people want to be able to properly support their children in education, this requires them to become fluent in English. The Government wants all residents to of the country to speak the language as not to do so is a major barrier to work and the economic benefits that come with it. Not to speak good English (now I know some of my friends would question whether my Bristolian dialect counts) is a prequesite to function in out society.  It is also necessary if new communities are going to effectively integrate into British society.

Cuts in English and other classes is a disaster not just for the people involved but for the wider education system and for society as a whole.

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